Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blog Post #10

Bring on the Education Revolution

What can we learn from Sir Ken Robinson?

After watching the video "Bring on the Education Revolution" I think there is a lot to be learned from Sir Ken Robinson and his theories on education. I found myself listening and pausing and re listening so that I could take notes on some of the key points he was making during the lecture, that just seemed to click with me and my own thoughts on educational process. I really loved his quote from Abraham Lincoln about education that was made in the year of 1862 during the 2nd annual meeting of Congress. The reference was about not rising to the occasion that is difficult but yet rising with the occasion, in the context of education that just makes so much sense to me.

Robinson speaks about how education is not a linear process like we tend to think not everyone can start in the same place and continue on that same path to end up in the same "ideal" place. The educational process is anything but linear as Robinson explains he mentions, that not everyone has to attend college or has to attend college early in their life. I could not agree more with his ideas about this, education should not be a "cookie cutter" as he say we are human and the development of humans and their passions is not mechanical.

Some other key points that he made that I think we can really learn from are his thoughts on children at such young ages having so much pressure put on them to be successful as adults. He talks about three year olds having to be interviewed to get into the best kindergarten and how ridiculous this process is. Robinson says that he does not believe "college begins in kindergarten, kindergarten begins in kindergarten". We could learn a lot from this lecture about life, education and how having passion for what you do for a living is vital for your success and happiness.


  1. Hi Jennifer. I too found myself rewinding the video to notate a few great tips. I also agree that education is not linear, and that college may not be for everyone. I do, however, value formal education. While being educated in college I have been challenged to thing in ways I never thought were possible. I found Sir Ken Robinson very interesting.

  2. You made some key points that I found major in the lecture as well. I was continuously pausing and playing the video to take notes or just to understand further what he meant by somethings. The main key point that I got out of the video was about prepping for college. I remember in high school, my teachers would say things like "well in college we did this..." or "well that is not going to help you in college...", "you have to do this in college..". It just seemed like they pressured college on everyone. But I had a lot of friends that did not go to college and are now working jobs they do not enjoy. If we as future teachers can realize college is not everyone, rather than, future is for everyone. If we can prepare, develop, and guide students into what interest them they will more likely get a job within a field they love and enjoy! Keep up the good work!
