Tuesday, March 24, 2015

C4K summary

C4K # 5

I was assigned to Sindy G this week, her latest post was about Thanksgiving. Sindy's post was rather short explaining about how she enjoyed Thanksgiving and cooking. She also expressed that she always had family from out of town come to visit for the holiday. I commented to her that I also enjoyed the holiday and having out of town family come to visit.

C4K # 6
I was assigned to Rob this week who wrote a blog about job shadowing. He described the experience in his blog and discussed how he initially had a negative outlook on job shadowing. But through the experience, he was surprised that he actually had fun and really enjoyed his time there. I commented to Rob that I was glad he enjoyed his experience and that I hoped he had a successful career in business.

C4K # 7

This week I was assigned to Tressie C. a 7th grade student in Mrs. L's class. Her blog post was about a the last book she had read of a series of book by Rick Riordan. The book was titled "The Last Olympian" about a group of humans who were half human and half Gods. She gave a great summary of the book and suggested that her audience read the entire series. I commented to her that had never read the series she had read but that she did a really nice job on her blog and that I hoped she found another great series of books that she enjoyed as much as this one.

C4K #8

Mckenzie T is a 7th grade student in Oklahoma and she wrote her latest blog assignment about her Spring Break this year. Mckenzie went to a spelling B in Dallas, TX and then spent some time with her family there at the beach. She also wrote about a horrible experience she had on the ferry ride, where the ferry actually got lost and they had to wait for a boat to come and guide the ferry back to shore. I commented on her blog post basically telling her that I liked the experience she had with her family over Spring Break and I thought that she would keep those memories forever.

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