Tuesday, March 10, 2015

C4T Summary

C4T #1

Get your Game On-Do the Snow Clothes Challenge by Kathy Cassidy was a delightful blog post about students up North having a race to put on all their snow clothes to go outside. Although I can't even imagine having the task of ensuring a whole classroom of students, got on all their layers of clothes for below freezing temperatures. I really enjoyed how this teacher took the struggle and made it a fun challenge and it spread after she posted a video on her blog.

C4T #2

Blogging in a classroom with only 1 Ipad by Kathy Cassidy was the blog I was assigned to this week. I found the article very interesting and informative. Cassidy discussed how a teacher could have her students blog when there was only 1 Ipad in the classroom. She listed some resources such as Easy blogger jr. which is a app, that can be purchased on the ipad and have multiple users. This app seems to be very user friendly even for young users. Each student can upload a picture to be used as a icon for their blog, and even make voice recording for pictures within the blog.

I found this article to be a great resource. As future educators we hope to have access to an abundance of ipads for our classroom, but unfortunately we may not have that access. This article gave us information to still be able to have our students blogging even with just one Ipad.


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